Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working Out...In My Words...Loosing That FAT

Im started this new workout thing and LOOOOOORD its hard. I go into the gym and I see all this physically fit people and Im like why are you here??????...and then one side of my head, says "they're here to taunt you and really show you how your big ass is suppose to look" then the the other side says "in order for you to stay that way, you have to continuously work out" well in the end I STILL say fugg all this BS...yall physically fit, muscled bound dick heads need to get the hell out here...making me feel like Im NOT doing ish over here. But the thing that really gets me is these OLD AZZ people that come in there, jump on those treadmills and run circles around me. Then I feel violated...it makes me feel some kinda way...for example it makes me feel the same way I feel when Im on the interstate and a MINI VAN passes me...A MINI VAN, Im suppose to sit here and allow a mini van to pass me, OH HELL NAW...so I mash the gas and pass they azz......So when I see those old people I start running faster......and 20 seconds laster....I feel like Im about to DIE...breathing uber hard and legs feeling like rubber.... and then...Im back at the same speed I was at before they got there, and they still old...going mad faster and Im still me, going uber slow... Then I have to realize that Im just starting out...(or am I just making more excuses)...

To keep me motivated, when I come home, I look @ pics like these:

#1...this over weight, fat azz lady with all these problems...and since Im in the medical field, this is a no no for me

#2 I see these old azz people getting it...I mean they look cool azz hell...really getting it and Im like damn, I cant do that? there is no way in HELL I can't do that...Im staying @ the gym for 2 hours tomorrow...((in my head))...my body is like CHILE PLEASE #GTFOH try a hour

#3...Then I Look @ this pic...(after I gagg like 3 times) and say man OH HELL NAW...Im going to the gym everyday and Im not eating anything fatty again...because this is DISGUSTING

#4 the last pic I look @ makes me feel comfortable in my skin but not to comfortable because I need to loose weight to make myself healthy...

Okay Well Thats All Folks...I can think about exercising anymore...I need to focus on becoming healthy and continuing to love myself no matter what and always remember yall....


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