Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Lesson 2

You know that say:

"Dont judge a book by its cover"...

Well that does not always apply to books, Im sure you all know it applies to people, items, jobs, and etc.

Here's a short story, to help you to never JUDGE the book by its cover, or JUDGE at all:

This lady walks into a grocery store, she has a ziplock bag full of coupons and has basic clothes. She only buys what her coupons and money allow, and even had to put some of her things back @ the counter. The cashier treats her horribly and huffs and puffs because she was annoyed. she even told the  lady that she needs to make sure she has enough money next time.

the next day the same lady goes back to the grocery store with top of the line clothing and buys the same exact food with no coupons, and goes to the same cashier. The cashier does not recognize her and actually treats her better and alot differently from yesterday.

Right before the lady leaves, she asks the cashier to call her manager...she gladly calls him because she knows she has given the lady great customer service.

Well the manager comes, she explains the scenario from the day before...and in the end she was the CEO of the company...testing the morals of her employees

So in the end...

dont judge the book by its cover, just because someone is dressed a certain way, does not make them a certain way...

and it gives no one the reason to JUDGE and feel they are better than someone...

because the fact that yoou're judging just made you lower than the next

So think about that next time, you forget


Bible Verse --->

John 7:24

"Do Not Judge By Appearances, But Judge With Right Judgment."

#DEUCES ---> *Drops Mic*

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