Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life Lesson 1

Some days when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I say is: UGH, I have to go to work!

Not thinking about all the people who dont have jobs or the people who died in their sleep

Then I have to stop myself and say Thank You Lord for another day

I always take things for granted, like for example, my air conditioner was broke for ONE day and I thought I was going to die...I was in here hyperventilating and spazzing out, and it really wasnt that bad, but Im so use to air condition.  I never realized how important a/c was too me or how convenient and comfortable it made my life.  I feel a great deal of pain for the people who work outside on a daily basis, I commend them and wish I could do something for them. Because somebody has to do it!

So the lesson I literally just learned is:

Every once in awhile, STOP and be grateful! I know its hard to do it sometimes, but just like you make time for everything else, you have to take time out and...THANK GOD for his many blessings that he has bestowed upon us...

So Thank You God, because Im living a pretty good life, never wanted for anything and I thank you Lord

So, did you STOP today and Thank the Lord, or did you continue to be selfish and think somebody owe you all things you have and the air you breath....NO ONE owes you anything, because you would be no where with out HIM

#DEUCES ---> *Drops Mic*

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