Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, this is about, lets see, nothing really...

I had some random thoughts on my mind and I needed to get them off...

Well, first thought of today is how much of a procrastinator I am...I mean gazz dang...I really do it alot...

Most of the time my mom or sister has to remind me to do things, like pay a bil or call these ppl, or that I need to start this...I dont know whats wrong with me...

I dont know if Im just lazy or that I just have a problem...sometimes I dont act on something until it is the last possible moment and sometimes I can not get out of certain situations behind it...

For example, I'll have to pay the light bill, I know I have to pay the light, and I'll have the money to pay the light bill, but I'll wait until the day of right before 5 pm to call and pay...thats silly right...I know but I dont mean to do it, sometimes it just happens that way...

Another example...I needed to take a PCAT (pharmacy school admission test) prep class...so I can take my test and do better...there was like 3 classes this year, but I wait until the last class of the year, where I didn't have a choice to take the class...

Some may call me lazy, stupid, or crazy...but I just call it, living one day @ a time and to me, it doesnt matter when things get done, as long as it gets done....

So, I'll end this post with saying, Im not lazy, I just work better under pressure in CERTAIN situation...so DONT JUDGE ME SUCKAS...

*Drops Mic*

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