Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cherish Happy Moments...

I have found out that in my life I have to cherish my happy moments because you can become so sad and overwhelmed within seconds...

I can be laughing and joking around and then I want to cry the next...

I also realized that the SMALLEST thing can shift your mood, I know you're not suppose to let ppl steal your joy, but its so hard when they are important to you and have so much influence in and over your life..

the slightest thing can make you go from laughing to crying, and lately I've been crying too much so there has to be a factor in my life that must be removed and I have to remove it NOW because it is causing me to be unhappy when Im way to bless....

I do love my life and but sometimes its so hard to go throughout life with stopping and breaking down and crying...I know God hears my cry and I know he keeps account of every tear that rolls down my cheek...but I just wish moments of sadness didn't exist...but then thats what makes up stronger and makes up better people....

So, with this, I just need to cherish the good times and cry the bad times a way and keep it moving...because my time will come when I am utterly and truly happy...its coming...I know it is, its just the matter of be patient...and


#DEUCES ---> *Drops Mic*

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